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Guidelines/Parental Agreement

  • Arrival time at the track meet should be no later than 8:00am. This is required to allow your child the proper time to stretch and warm up prior to competition.
  • Make sure your child is hydrated properly during the week. Water is recommended, to be provided for each child during practice and the track meets.
  • Children need to eat a good breakfast on the day of the track meet. A light lunch needs to be provided for each child for each track meet. This is important as they will burn a higher amount of calories during the track meets than a routine day and the energy levels need to be sustained. Recommended are bananas and oranges as snacks in addition to lunch, to help prevent leg cramps.
  • Children under the age of 10 will need to be escorted to the restrooms and any field events not on the track, by a parent or guardian.
  • No rowdy behavior, profane language or display of un-sportsmanlike conduct will be tolerated. Athletes who are found guilty will be ejected from the meet(s) and/or team. Conduct deemed unbecoming shall result in the indefinite suspension of an athlete. Parents displaying this behavior will also be ejected from the meet(s) and/or team.
  • If your child does not perform to your expectations during the meet, please do not berate the child, instead offer encouragement. Use it as a teaching opportunity on how to deal with adversity. Admonishing a child at this age after a public failure damages their mental ability to participate in their next activity during the track meet by shattering their self-confidence. Hugs are always great in these situations accompanied with love and support.

Track meets are the perfect bonding opportunity for you and your child. It also gives you a chance to demonstrate leadership and good sportsmanship. Together, we will provide positive memories your child will cherish forever.